Ted Kimani: AfriThrive’s longest-serving volunteer

Ted Kimani, well into his 60’s, has been volunteering with AfriThrive since Fall of 2020 at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic and he loves doing it. Arguably the longest-serving volunteer, Kim (as he is commonly known) says his passion for volunteering goes back to his early days of his life when, in the early 1970’s (in Kenya), his mother […]

Piah Njeru: From Receiving Support to Empowering Others

Piah Njeru’s journey began in 2007 when she came to the United States, from Kenya, to pursue her studies. Initially, Piah lived with her but with time she built a life for herself, working as a caregiver for various entities within the institutional and family-based healthcare establishments. Before COVID-19, Piah comfortably supported his family as a wife and mother of […]